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Mohcin Bounouara

Thoughts about software engineering and life

Gradual Progress towards goals!

Achieving something, even if it little is built upon gradual behavior. If you haven’t been engaging in sports for a while, expecting to wake up and immediately do a one-hour high-intensity session may not be logic. However, if you dedicate 10 minutes a day to training for three months, you’ll find yourself capable of doing such session by the fourth month.

It’s perfectly normal if you lack the mental energy to study for two hours each day. After being away from such a disciplined routine for years, it takes time to rebuild this good habit. Starting with just 5 to 10 minutes of learning per day is a great way to start. Don’t underestimate the impact of these minutes; they will make a noticeable difference in the long term.

Feeling frustrated when taking action is common and can be influenced by various factors such as our childhood, schooling, social media and societal influences. The key to be free from this frustration is to start with small actions. Understand that failure is part of the learning process (of life in general).

To combat boredom, take consistent steps, no matter how small. Plan your day and do small steps planned. These efforts will lead to an amazing changes within yourself.