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Mohcin Bounouara

Thoughts about software engineering and life

Code Reading is important!

One of the most important things I’ve focused on recently is reading a lot of code written by others. Even if I don’t understand some large parts of the code blocks I’m reading, it’s a way to train my brain muscles, boosting both my imagination and logic.

By reading others’ code, you gain new perspectives and encounter different complexities, along with faster and more efficient ways to tackle problems.

Also, you observe various methods that others use to solve issues, helping you realize that your solutions may not always be the best, or even good or acceptable.

I’m new to this practice of reading code written by other developers, but I’m already starting to see its importance and value.

I encourage you to try this approach as well, and I will be back with more articles on this topic in the near future.

See you in my next post!