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Mohcin Bounouara

Thoughts about software engineering and life

Document the Problems You Solve!

When you encounter an error during your workday as a developer, don’t simply acknowledge the mistake and promise to avoid it next time. From my personal experience, that approach doesn’t work, and you’re likely to forget the error for sure.

Instead, write down what you should avoid in the future. Place these notes somewhere you regularly check, so your brain is consistently remembered it.

If you’re stuck on an issue for hours or days and you finally resolve it, don’t just celebrate and move on. Document it in a format that feels comfortable to you. This could be a post on your blog, a discussion with your team, or a note in a GitHub repository. This way, if you face a similar situation in the future, you’ll save a lot of time.

Doing this might help you avoid repeating the same mistakes, hopefully!