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Mohcin Bounouara

Thoughts about software engineering and life

One Day Without Using YouTube

The best way to test if you are addicted to something is to try living one day without it. This way, you can observe your behavior.

That’s exactly what I tried today. I used to be a heavy YouTube user, primarily for learning technical and Islamic topics. I believed I was using it positively, which wasn’t the case many years ago when I was just wasting time there. I forced myself to develop a habit of using YouTube constructively. However, I still watch entertainment videos about cycling, nature, and sports. Recently, I noticed I was spending a lot of time watching shorts, which are easy to scroll through and provide a quick dopamine hit, making me feel good but wasting my time.

This realization made me conduct this test to see if I’m addicted.

How I did it: I stopped using YouTube from midnight last night until midnight of today, on both my laptop and phone. I also moved the YouTube app icon to a different place on my phone to avoid hitting it unintentionally.

Things I have learned:

  • Thanks God, I use YouTube for positive purposes.
  • You can challenge yourself to control the technology, not let it control you.
  • You are responsible for your actions.
  • Don’t try to break bad habits without filling your time with good ones.
  • Make a plan for your day.
  • Make a fixed time for YouTube use, otherwise, he will eat you.

See you in the next sharing.