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Mohcin Bounouara

Thoughts about software engineering and life

Starting to do things is the only way to proceed!

 To begin understanding or mastering something, consider the following:

  • Go deeper into it by diving (like diving into a swimming pool, even if you don’t know how to swim like my case).
  • Avoid procrastinating; remember that your time in this life is limited.
  • Don’t expect ideal results first; it may take multiple attempts.
  • Don’t let your psychological mood or state dictate your actions (life is about persevering and remaining faithful to God).

Here’s a personal example based on my last experience:

I’ve always been someone who dives into things, even without prior knowledge. I learn through trial and errors, although I won’t claim it’s the best method. Sometimes, but it’s necessary.

I used to manage my personal websites (blog and small ideas websites) using a shared hosting plan. One night, I decided to purchase a VPS, granting me full access to manage, configure the server, and engage in development and related tasks. I faced challenges during this time, but I learned a great deal.

Dedicate time, plan your day, and allow yourself to make mistakes.

As always, this is what I thought, based on my personal experiences. I believe it might work for someone, somewhere!